21 Feb How Your Breakroom Can Increase Workplace Productivity
How can a breakroom improve workplace productivity? Breakrooms are for breaks, right? And breaks are the opposite of getting a job done. While technically true, that is not the full story. Research actually supports the idea that breakrooms are beneficial to staff productivity. They allow employees to better problem solve, focus, and tackle challenging projects. All of which lead to workers being more productive.
Intrigued? Then read on for a deep dive into the benefits of a Coolbreakroom. And why it will drive workplace productivity sky-high.
Productivity Requires Concentration and Focus
When employees engage in “think work” their prefrontal cortex is active. According to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, this means it’s resisting distractions and thinking logically. After extended periods of time, the brain loses energy and that task gets harder. That’s why breaks are essential for the brain to function at its best. But they need to be the right kind of breaks. Scrolling through a social media feed, for example, tends to overload the prefrontal cortex. A proper break should give the brain a break and should energize or inspire your employees.
Take High-Quality Breaks
Here are three examples of high-quality breaks that promote better brain function and encourage employees to be more productive.
1. Get Moving
Getting up and moving around is an ideal break activity. Even the act of walking to the breakroom gives the prefrontal cortex a rest. If there’s an active game in there, such as ping-pong or pool, that can increase the benefit. The breakroom can be a great space to offer stretching or lunchtime yoga classes too.
2. Nourish your body
Nourishment can mean a quick cup of hot coffee, herbal tea, or a cold brew on tap. It can also be more robust, such as nutritious food from a micro-market or onsite cafeteria. Either way, it’s about caring for your body, increasing energy, and reducing stress. Less stress ensures your team is more attentive and productive when they return to their task.
3. Socialize
Visiting with colleagues can create a more positive emotional state. In addition, it builds a sense of connection between staff and can lead to better collaboration. Breakrooms are the ideal location for staff to connect and socialize. Whether it’s a 5-minute interaction over coffee or eating together during lunch, time to be social produces huge benefits.
Breakrooms Give Staff More Time To Be Productive
Unfortunately, many workers don’t feel they can take breaks. A survey by Tork indicated that nearly 20% of North American workers believe their bosses won’t consider them hardworking if they take a lunch break. And 22% of bosses agreed. Yet, 90% of staff felt breaks made them feel refreshed and ready to get back to work. So, now is the time to encourage your employees to hit the breakroom and make the most of it.
A well-stocked breakroom helps employees recharge and get back to working at their best. It allows them to take helpful breaks and find the quick nourishment they need. The right breakroom can give your staff a productivity bump that maximizes the bottom line.
Be sure to work with a reputable vending service provider who offers the right refreshment services for your breakroom. Also, offer seating arrangements that allow for quiet time or socialization.
Look at Your Breakroom in a New Way
Does your breakroom have what it takes to boost workplace productivity? If not, Coolbreakrooms has hundreds of Authorized Service Provider Partners throughout the country who can help. Let us put you in touch with a professional who will provide a breakroom service that benefits your company. Reach out to Coolbreakrooms at (888) 592-6388.