Are Authorized Providers Qualified? Here’s What it Takes to Make Our List

Finding Vending Service Providers | Coolbreakrooms Providers | Authorized Break Room Service

Are Authorized Providers Qualified? Here’s What it Takes to Make Our List

Coolbreakroom keeps a file of Authorized Providers who offer breakroom services across the country. But how do refreshment service providers get on the list? And are they really the best in the industry? To answer that, read on for exactly what it takes to be a Coolbreakroom Authorized Provider.

Authorized Providers are Committed to Excellence

One of the first requirements to being one of our authorized providers is a proven track record of excellence. We measure this by asking how long the vending company has been in the industry. Why? Because longevity in the industry equates to experience. And experience leads to knowledgeable solutions and reliable service. That’s excellence to us.

Bring You the Best

Vetting providers also means looking at what they offer the customer. Do they provide delicious, on-trend fresh foods, popular snacks, and the latest beverage options? Is the equipment they put in breakrooms modern and energy efficient? Do they commit to protocols that ensure health and food safety? For our Coolbreakroom Authorized Providers, the answer to all these questions is a resounding YES!

Provider Reviews | Break Room Solutions | Reliable Vending Machines

Inspire Rave Reviews

It’s not just about what they tell us about themselves. We also take a look at what other people say about them. Customer reviews are a vital part of making the cut. We add that to client testimonials, industry awards, and recognition to see which providers rise to the top. That’s how we know which providers to include.

Benefit Your Coolbreakroom

Companies with a Coolbreakroom know the benefits. It gives your company and employees bragging rights. They love how health-focused and trendy the breakroom is, which boosts morale. Not to mention the spike in employee satisfaction. But to keep your Coolbreakroom the perk you want it to be, you need great support. That’s where our list of Authorized Providers comes in. These experts can help you design and then keep your breakroom a positive aspect of the workplace culture.

Authorized Providers Mean Top Quality Service

Our goal at Coolbreakrooms is to inspire and cultivate the next generation of breakrooms. These are places that will refresh, impress, and help businesses attract and retain their employees. We want to help you make it a reality. That’s why we offer Authorized Providers in your area. So you can be confident that you have a breakroom service partner with a proven track record in creating a Coolbreakroom. Then your breakroom dreams can become a reality.

Contact coolbreakrooms or call (888) 592-6388 today to find out more about the Authorized Providers in your area. We look forward to making an introduction that will transform your workplace.