Why the Colors of Your Breakroom Matter

Why the Colors of Your Breakroom Matter

If you’re remodeling a breakroom, you might be intimidated by the design aspects. Should you use modern furniture? Should it remind them of their living room? How do I make the room professional, yet relaxing? Does it fit with my business? If you’re overwhelmed, don’t worry; it means you’re in the right place. If you’re overwhelmed, it means you’re trying. If you’re overwhelmed, it means you care. However, caring does not help you make decisions. But one huge, vital step will dictate the room: paint colors.

Did you know certain colors can change your mood? Selecting a color may intimidate you, but it shouldn’t be something to gloss over. Instead, let it be the driving force behind your breakroom. Each color can bring different emotions, whether you’re trying to make the room energetic or relaxing. There are a few key questions to help you find the color of your choice.

Should I choose a light or dark color?

Many people will tell you lighter colors make a room seem bigger, while darker colors will make the room seem smaller. However, this is not necessarily true. Studies on perception and distance find bright objects to be nearer and larger than the same exact objects in darker colors, according to Tom Whitcomb, a residential architect based in Minneapolis. In other words, don’t fret over this question. Scientifically, there is proof on both sides for making a room look bigger or smaller.

What light or dark color should I use?

This is up to you, but it never hurts to have some help. Here is a quick breakdown of colors and how it influences your brain:

Red: raises room energy, pumps adrenaline more than any color, creates excitement, and stimulates conversation. At night, it becomes more refined. This is a good option for a breakroom.

Blue: encourages relaxation and serenity. Make sure to use a lighter blue, as dark blue will actually create sadness.

Green: relieves stress, promotes comfort, and soothes. Just don’t choose a bright, neon green, which can quickly become overpowering.

Purple: luxurious, sophisticated, and dramatic. This is a good creative color when it’s dark, but lighter versions bring more warmth and restfulness.

Orange: energetic, enthusiastic, and bright. This might be too much for some employees, however.

Yellow: happy, uplifting, welcoming, but not a good choice for the main color. The vibrant nature of yellow apparently stimulates nerves, which can create anger at times.

Neutrals: Designers love neutrals, but how practical is it for a breakroom? Too much white will easily get dirty, while too much black is extremely dramatic. If you choose a neutral, accompany it with other colors.

How many colors should I use?

Try limiting the room colors to three, but four at the most. If you have too many colors, it becomes a little too much for your brain to absorb. Breakrooms should energize, relax, and fit with the aesthetic of your business. Make sure the room compliments your business and brand. Otherwise, it will confuse employees and potential customers entering or passing the area.

What can I do to make my breakroom colors stand out?

The most overlooked area to paint in a room is probably the ceiling. If you are drawn to an eggshell white color, try adding a pop of color to the ceiling. Then, it incorporate it into the furniture, tables, chairs, decorations, etc. but only slightly. Instead of focusing on everything, consider using a strong wall color, then making the furniture neutral. The ideas are endless, but the winning ideas will make a strong impression on you.

Continue researching complimentary colors, analogous colors, or even take notes on nature. Keep your eye open to various areas, such as restaurants, coffee shops, stores, cities, and even other breakrooms. Certain colors will stand out to you for a reason, so trust yourself, get second opinions, and maybe even let your employees weigh in on the matter. Good luck!

If you’d like some ideas in improving your break room, call (888) 592-6388 today!