Improve Your Breakroom With Technology

Our Authorized Providers embrace technology and stay on top of the
latest advancements to improve your breakroom experience.

Cashless Payments
Authorized Providers use checkout
kiosks with the latest technology
that easily accept multiple forms
of cashless payments—creating a
touchless experience.
Superior Service
Service is never sacrificed in unattended markets with the latest tech advancements like ZippyAssist. This mobile app allows you to report problems and request new products directly to your Coolbreakrooms Authorized Provider. It’s quick, convenient, and super responsive.

The Future is Here with
Smart Vending, Coolers, and Cafés
The future of breakrooms is changing! AI is shaping modern breakrooms with
smart vending machines, smart coolers, and smart cafés that allow for better
browsing and simpler checkout. The result? An improved shopping experience
for employees, hotel guests, or venue patrons. Watch the Just Walk Out
technology by Amazon in action at a Seahawks stadium.