Breakroom Design Tag

AT&T Headquarters Dallas, TX Featured Breakroom: AT&T As AT&T’s trademark phrase says, “Connecting Changes Everything™”. When it comes to the breakroom, they don't hold back. This wasn’t always the case though! Discover how AT&T’s leadership revamped their Dallas headquarters to foster employee connections. Turning a Wishlist into Reality In 2018,...

Many factors go into creating a better breakroom. Equipment, products, traffic flow, design, lighting, and more. The vast number of offerings and considerations can be overwhelming! We recently sat down with Corporate Coffee Systems skilled team members Eric Mason and Edward Luti. For over 35 years,...

Coinadrink is a vending operator in the United Kingdom that is pushing new boundaries in creative breakroom design. With their latest installation, Sales & Marketing Manager Tom Williams and his team were able to provide their client with a brand-new breakroom and an easier way...