Looking to Create a Well-Designed Breakroom?

Working with a breakroom designer will ensure your breakroom
environment is functional, beautiful, and on budget.

We partner with the design-build professionals at Fixturelite to determine the best layouts, fixtures, and furnishings to complement your business and embrace your employees and guests. Fixturelite is the only full-service company designed by micro-market operators for micro-market operators.
Get Started with Breakroom Design Tips
Before the coffee and snacks are selected, key factors should beconsidered. A well planned breakroom design helps you make the most of
your investment and ensures your employees and guests will be delighted.
Here are a few simple design tips to get you started.
Does Your Breakroom
Look Like This?
Send us photos of your breakroom
for a FREE design consultation!

Design A Breakroom to Match Your Style
Our breakroom design team will help you create an environment that is an
extension of your company’s brand. Start your project right by discussing
your breakroom design options with Coolbreakrooms today!