Let’s Find Your
Perfect Service
A refreshment program is one of the most sought-after and affordable employee retention tools — especially with the Coolbreakrooms team by your side!
Micro Markets
Micro markets give employees around the clock access to refreshments with the convenience of a self-checkout kiosk. Our network of service providers will work with you to design a custom space for employees to refuel during the workday.
Office Coffee Service
An office coffee program is a great way to provide an inexpensive yet impactful employee perk. From drip coffee to gourmet beverages, we can help you find the right equipment and product mix that will enable your employees to skip their usual “coffee run.”
Traditional Vending
Vending machines have come a long way and are equipped with contactless payment options to keep your employees safe. They offer a wider variety of fresh foods, refreshing beverages, and irresistible snacks than ever before.